Technological requirement:
The design should be fully assembled in a vector editor, the following is accepted:
Adobe Illustrator (EPS, AI).
• Used bitmap images, including embedded images, should be attached to the main file in PSD or TIF format with layers in a separate folder in the CMYK color model.
• Layout must be in CMYK color model. Make sure that your layouts do not have imported files in RGB.
• Resolution 300 dpi – for high-quality CMYK and Grayscale images.
• Raster objects can contain at least 1% of color. Lay in objects at least 1% of color.
• You must provide layout versions in curves and fonts, with an attached folder with the files of the fonts used, to speed up the editing and proofreading processes
• Remove from the layout all unused colors.
• The colors from the Pantone fan must be named “PANTONE 356 C”. At the prepress stage, we use the Pantone® Formula Guide Guide Solid Coated catalog of pantones. We recommend to use the appropriate library in graphic packages at the stage of creating a design.
• When using white paint, there must be a layer with white areas, or in the file notes should be made what parts should be white. White paint should be in the design of a separate color Spot.
• Selective varnishing with UV varnish should have a spot (spot) color of one hundred percent density with the obvious name Lak, UV-Lak, Varnish.
• The minimum line thickness is 0.1 mm, in the inversion – 0.15 mm .
• The minimum font size is 6 pt and 8 pt in inversion.
• The total number of all inks in dense shadows should not exceed 395%.
• Black (gray) text and other small black or gray objects should be in one ink (black or a percentage of black for gray).
• You must have a PDF or JPG file of your design for control and comparison with the file we prepared for printing.
Printed cylinder manufacturing