High and stable quality level of flexible packaging is impossible without constant quality control at key points of the production cycle.
Due to a complete technological chain in our company, from design to cutting and packaging of products, constant monitoring of technological key parameters at every stage of production, we can guarantee the stable quality of our products.
Automatic quality control
Industry-wide statistics show that up to 70% of defects in the printing industry occur during printing. Taking this into account, equipment manufacturers pay special attention to the systems of automatic print quality control, which are designed to inform the operator as soon as possible about the quality deviations that have occurred, as well as to prevent the transfer of a poor quality section to the next production stage.
Контроль качества в лаборатории Хави Продкут
Quality control in the Havy Product laboratory
Continuous monitoring of the quality parameters of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products allows to make the necessary corrective actions as well as prevent shipments of finished products to customers with deviations from quality.
The Havy Product laboratory has the necessary verified measuring equipment as well as approved methods allowing the measurement of the following quality parameters:
Film thickness | ISO 4593:1993: Plastics — Film and sheeting — Determination of thickness by mechanical scanning |
Weld formation | ASTM F2029 : Standard Practices for Making Laboratory Heat Seals for Determination of Heat Sealability of Flexible Barrier Materials as Measured by Seal Strength |
Weld strength | ASTM F88 “Standard test method for seal strength of flexible barrier materials“ |
Lamination strength | ASTM F904: Comparison of Bond Strength or Ply Adhesion of Similar; |
Coefficient of dynamic and static friction | ISO 8295: Plastics — Film and sheeting — Determination of the coefficients of friction; ASTM D 1894; Всередині / Всередині |
Tensile film and tensile strength | ASTM D882: Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting |
Organoleptic characteristics | ISO 13302: Sensory analysis — Methods for assessing modifications to the flavour of foodstuffs due to packaging.; LI-80.017 |
Control of substance migration in EU laboratories
Compliance with the requirements of EU Packaging Safety Directives is confirmed by the results of research on raw materials and finished products in certified EU laboratories (Poland, Spain, Switzerland).
In accordance with the results of the chemical risk analysis of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), a schedule of annual monitoring of the migration of chemical substances from the packaging to the simulation environment selected in accordance with the properties of the packed product and the conditions of its packing and storage is prepared (COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 10 / 2011 of 14 January 2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food).
Building a chain of analysis from raw materials to finished products confirmed by research protocols of specific samples guarantees the safety of the packaging for the consumer.
The most important condition for the implementation of the product quality policy declared by the company is traceability. This is a set of organizational and production measures aimed at information control over the production parameters of each roll of raw materials, semi-finished or finished products. Its practical implementation is that at each stage of the production chain production and technical information is assigned to specific rolls and the rolls themselves at each stage receive individual identifiers – bar codes. The use of a barcode system allows you to:
– Establish control over the implementation of production standards or organizational measures, automate the implementation of standard production scenarios.
– Instantly provide operators with information on technology recommendations.
– Avoid errors of unauthorized use of raw materials or semi-finished products
– Block the use of raw materials or semi-finished products of inappropriate quality
– Apply a set of special measures (Corrective actions) for specifically selected rolls of raw materials or semi-finished products.
– In the shortest possible time to analyze and block raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products when information appears on violations or changes in technological parameters that can affect the quality of product availability or reduce its level of safety for the consumer. In such cases, it may be decided to revoke a production batch or its part.
The full functioning of the downward and upward traceability is important:
– Downward traceability determines the range of specific rolls of semi-finished products and raw materials related to a particular roll or a specific batch of finished products.
– Upward traceability determines the rolls of finished products that were made from a specific roll or batch of semi-finished or raw materials.
Using both of these tools allows to quickly monitor and control products in the enterprise, to respond promptly when quality inconsistencies or technological violations can occur and critically affect the quality of the finished product.